Fall Growth
Mushrooms love the wet fall weather, and grow in a matter of days after the rain.
Mushrooms love the wet fall weather, and grow in a matter of days after the rain.
The effects of evening lighting can be dramatic if used properly. These grasses would normally be hard to pick out in a photo, but are brought to high contrast detail by the backlighting from the sun.
Here we have a Least Chipmunk, the smallest species of chipmunks. On this late summer day there were a half dozen around, all running up and down various flowers and eating the seeds.
This Yellow Legged Mud Dauber (Sceliphron caementarium) was one of the many insects harvesting nectar from the fall flowers.
This bumble bee was taking advantage of the warm evening to stay out collecting late.
Monarch Crest Trail runs along the mountain ridges from Monarch Pass. The picture is too nice not to post, but it tells no story beyond what a beautiful day it was.
These Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum) flowers and seed heads make for a colorful spring in parts of the northern United States and Canada.
Yucca flowers guard the entrance to an unnamed canyon near Ticaboo, Utah. A wet month brought out the greens in the desert, but did not sustain the spring of water we sought at the head of the canyon.