sun to snow
After a full summer in the light, willow brush looks as if the sun has moved from the sky to its leaves.
After a full summer in the light, willow brush looks as if the sun has moved from the sky to its leaves.
This sanderling was braving the waves of Lake Superior, and was happy to let me get a great picture colored by the setting sun.
Fall hikes with the light filtering through the warmly colored leaves are beautiful.
These neon leaves fade quickly after falling, but offer a bright fringe to the water near shore.
Partly sunny days really make fall colors pop, with the clouds giving a contrast to the bright leaves.
This Emerald or Cuckoo Wasp was out hunting on the sunflowers that were attracting everything else.
Mushrooms love the wet fall weather, and grow in a matter of days after the rain.
The effects of evening lighting can be dramatic if used properly. These grasses would normally be hard to pick out in a photo, but are brought to high contrast detail by the backlighting from the sun.
This Yellow Legged Mud Dauber (Sceliphron caementarium) was one of the many insects harvesting nectar from the fall flowers.