Flying Ibis
These Ibis, along with a number of other species of birds were everywhere in Brazos Bend State Park, taking advantage of high water for easy hunting.
Understanding Design
These Ibis, along with a number of other species of birds were everywhere in Brazos Bend State Park, taking advantage of high water for easy hunting.
The red tint of the cedar bark contrasts with the blue and green of the lichen growing on it’s surface.
This anhinga was very relaxed as it dried its feathers after a dive.
This is another view of Now and Then falls at Amnicon Falls state park after major flooding.
This Now and Then falls, an ephemeral waterfall in Amnicon Falls state park, after normal spring melt.
Fall hikes with the light filtering through the warmly colored leaves are beautiful.
The recent rain decorated many of the fallen leaves on this afternoon.
Mushrooms love the wet fall weather, and grow in a matter of days after the rain.
Monarch Crest Trail runs along the mountain ridges from Monarch Pass. The picture is too nice not to post, but it tells no story beyond what a beautiful day it was.
Yucca flowers guard the entrance to an unnamed canyon near Ticaboo, Utah. A wet month brought out the greens in the desert, but did not sustain the spring of water we sought at the head of the canyon.