A dead tree is removed by helicopter from Chatfield reservoir. Recent increases in water level killed large swaths of timber by the reservoir, and heli-logging has been the chosen method to remove them.
Understanding Design
A dead tree is removed by helicopter from Chatfield reservoir. Recent increases in water level killed large swaths of timber by the reservoir, and heli-logging has been the chosen method to remove them.
These Ibis, along with a number of other species of birds were everywhere in Brazos Bend State Park, taking advantage of high water for easy hunting.
The recent magnetic storm was strong enough to have lights showing strongly in the southern skies.
A strong burst of aurora spread rays down the western sky, so bright that I wondered if I might see my shadow.
Light pollution from a nearby city colors the clouds with the sodium light, as stars shine through the gaps.
This is one of many spectacular moments in the northern lights display caused by a G5 geomagnetic storm several weeks ago.
Northern lights are always worth losing sleep over!
The white of the hoarfrost on these trees provides a strong contrast to the deep blue of the sky.
A reflection flip off a frozen beaver pond looks almost real, but adds an angry tint to the sky.
This spectacular sunset caught my eye not only for the beautiful clouds, but the almost exclusively golden light.