Caterpiller Adventure
This Baltimore Checkerspot caterpillar (Euphydryas phaeton) decided that a warm day in late spring was the time to explore the world.
This Baltimore Checkerspot caterpillar (Euphydryas phaeton) decided that a warm day in late spring was the time to explore the world.
This Emerald or Cuckoo Wasp was out hunting on the sunflowers that were attracting everything else.
This Yellow Legged Mud Dauber (Sceliphron caementarium) was one of the many insects harvesting nectar from the fall flowers.
This bumble bee was taking advantage of the warm evening to stay out collecting late.
This Fritillary butterfly is enjoying the sunlight, which is providing a bright glow through its wings.
These green butterflies are the tailed green jay (graphium agamemnon), native to parts of south Asia and the pacific islands. I had the opportunity to see them at a butterfly exhibit at Como Park Zoo in St. Paul MN.
Dragonflies have fascinated me for a long time, along with other Odonates (dragonflies and damselflies). This brightly colored insect is a Green Darner, one of the larger common species in the Midwest. This particular dragonfly was happy to sit still with the camera only inches away because the wind was quite strong that day.