Starvation Creek
A 20+ mile mountain bike day complete with rain and hail brings views of the storms breaking up over Starvation Creek.
Understanding Design
A 20+ mile mountain bike day complete with rain and hail brings views of the storms breaking up over Starvation Creek.
Bricks are a pleasant warm color, but no two are even close to the same
I expected to see a sunset over the ocean by Monterey; I forgot about sea fog, which has its own charm.
Blowing snow gusts across Echo Lake.
Sunset light filtering through clouds just adds to the dramatic effect.
The red tint of the cedar bark contrasts with the blue and green of the lichen growing on it’s surface.
Alpine flowers and butterfly.
This Baltimore Checkerspot caterpillar (Euphydryas phaeton) decided that a warm day in late spring was the time to explore the world.
Summer annuals can provide a burst of color to a garden.
A strong burst of aurora spread rays down the western sky, so bright that I wondered if I might see my shadow.