Backlit Beauty
This Fritillary butterfly is enjoying the sunlight, which is providing a bright glow through its wings.
Understanding Design
This Fritillary butterfly is enjoying the sunlight, which is providing a bright glow through its wings.
So very, very gold. I know I’m posting a picture of a gold crystal and saying how pictures don’t convey how gold gold is, but some of it comes through by the glow that overpowers the camera lens.
The clouds moving through the night sky add an extra layer to this landscape.
The fuzzy part is because it was in the negative degrees fahrenheit. I tried to tell him he had something stuck to a whisker but he wasn’t moving.
This image is the result of several hours of photographing bowling, and is one of a long series of strikes.
A reflection flip off a frozen beaver pond looks almost real, but adds an angry tint to the sky.
Hydrangea flowers are very showy and long lasting, providing color through much of the summer and fall.
This view north is from my first climb in the Sawatch range, Huron Peak. With a fresh coat of snow it was a bad mistake continuing after forgetting sunscreen.
The dreamy feeling of this forest catches my imagination every time I drive through it, and this black and white photo captures the feeling perfectly.
Industrial design with spaces to let wind pass characterize the microwave relay station on Colorado Mines Peak. An early climb captured colors barely tinted by sunrise.