Golden Glow
This spectacular sunset caught my eye not only for the beautiful clouds, but the almost exclusively golden light.
Understanding Design
This spectacular sunset caught my eye not only for the beautiful clouds, but the almost exclusively golden light.
Or don’t. Crews at the Minneapolis airport work to keep ahead of a storm and Christmas traffic.
The drama of fall colors can be appreciated even on a very small scale. The back lighting from the sun brings out the saturated colors without any need for editing.
Thanksgiving night, ghostly pylons float over Denver. Effect achieved with a fast picture from a moving car.
This prairie dog was enjoying the sunshine while eating, and didn’t care that we were close by observing.
Center of frame is the bottom half of Pikes Peak. The size of this mountain only becomes obvious when you’re a long way off; this shot is from 40 miles to the north and it’s still the largest feature of the landscape.
Hiking during fall colors is always beautiful, even on windy days.
Chicks are cute, but they don’t like a camera being in their box. The lighting is strange here because they’re under a red heat lamp to keep them toasty. At this age their first growth of feathers is coming in under the baby down but they still fall asleep randomly. One minute they are running everywhere and next, a pile of feathers in the corner.
Clear sky sunsets are usually not very colorful, but this was a brilliant exception. The rolling hills and sparse trees added to the view.
These flowers are probably either Wooly Groundsel or Hoary Grounsel; the Packera family is hard to key out and a single species can look radically different depending on where it grew. These ones are living in a rocky hole in a jeep trail and are about 3 inches tall.